We're Next!!!!!!!!!

The families in our agency's Group 51 will receive their referrals this coming Monday ... and our Group 52 is now NEXT!!! Just to give some perspective ... when we started the wait 2 years ago, we were working on getting Group 44 to China.
A refresher on what this means: All families around the world with log-in dates of January 22, 2006 and earlier are now matched. Our log-in was March 14, 2006. That leaves 49 days, I think, until they reach our date for matching. If the CCAA continues to issue referrals for an average of 7-8 log-in dates each month, then we have about 6-8 months left to wait. (There are 9 days in that 50 with no families to be matched as that timeframe is the annual Chinese New Year.) That puts us at the end of this year - I'm hopeful for December, but could be January or February. There is also the possibility that the CCAA will speed up a bit after the Olympics in August.
Nonetheless, we're now NEXT in line with our agency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They now have up through Groups 67 waiting behind us ... I can't imagine why anyone would put their dossier in to China right now with the backlog that exists.
Next post wlil feature the cute faces of the babies matched with Group 51 families. Can't wait to see those as we nearly made it into Group 51 -- if not for some paperwork delays, we'd be done now!
Given the horrific loss of life with the recent earthquake in Sichuan, we are grateful that the CCAA is issuing referrals this month.
I only hope/wish I got my referral by the end of the year at least... take care
11:58 PM
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