Sharpen Your Pencils
Our log in date was March 14, 2006, as you know. So there are 22 days left for them to process and match before they get to us. The average number of days matched over the past year is 6.3 or so.
That means the following:
An average of 7 days matched each month from here on = we receive our referral in early February or early March 2009
An average of 6 days matched each month from here on = early March 2009
An average of 5 days matched each month from here on = early April 2009
And if they decide to slow down further ...
An average of just 4 days matched each month from here on = early May 2009
Now remember, for years, they issued 28-35 days of referrals EACH MONTH. So you can see the exponential effect on wait times.
Sadly, given this extremely slow pace, I do now believe that China is basically telling those with farther out log-in dates to go away. I hope other international programs open up to help families. And, of course, many will "go domestic," though that is fraught with all kinds of challenges that international adoption is not. Despite our longer than expected wait, we are fortunate to have a March 2006 log in at at this point.
Bets, anyone, on when our referral will come? I am now of the belief it'll be in this range: early March - early May.
And oh - here are some Halloween skeleton photos of Tyler to amuse! wait -- Is it a skeleton or Harry Potter??? Maybe it's Harry Potter's skeleton!!
NEXT FEW POSTS: Get ready for photos of baby sister's room AND info that we receive at our pre-travel meeting on December 21, coming up soon!!!!