Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Flexible Name

Ella's sleeping patterns have been quite variable lately given a rather messy confluence of events: four teeth coming in, a case of excema, and a head cold. So I have had time to contemplate how flexible her name is, and just how many situations it can fit!

Because this contemplation is often done at 3:00 a.m. (or today at 5:15 a.m. when she decided to wake for the day), it is a bit painful. But we find it amusing. But then, we are sometimes sleep deprived.

It goes like this: "When Eleanor / Ella is [XXXX], we call her [XXXX.]

Sleeping: Eleasnore
Without purpose: Eleabore
Loud: Yelleanor or Bellownor
When she's still hungry: Eleamore
When the nappie needs freshening: Smelleanor
Sick with stomach flu: Salmonella

Will post some recent pix soon -- computer not letting me do that right now for some reason!