Signed, Sealed, (Almost) Delivered - We're Ready to Go!

Hooray! Our confirmed travel dates are departure on Friday, July 17 and return on Thursday, July 30. We will fly into Hong Kong, arriving Saturday evening their time, stay overnight, then fly the next morning (Sunday) to Nanchang, Jiangxi. The adoption will be complete Monday morning. We stay in Nanchang until the 24th, then fly a bit south to Guangzhou to complete embassy appointments and other things. Then back to Hong Kong by train on the 29th to stay overnight and depart the next morning.
We'd hoped to come back Wednesday, July 29, but our agency could not get flights that day. So Tyler will have 12 days to fill with lots of summer camp, sleepovers with Pat and Sue, and neighborhood play dates. We are leaving him a little "treat" and note from us to open each day, and he will keep a diary of what he does. And, we will "skype" daily to see each other! (Can you tell I am a little freaked out at leaving him behind? But not as freaked out as I'd be taking him at this point!)
Attached are two "group photos" of the Girls of Group 52! (Ella Lin is top row, second from left.) Enjoy!
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