
Did I spell that right? Is out "Outtakes"? Well, whatever. This is what having two young children does to the brain.
Due to popular demand, here is (finally) another post to the blog. Ella is thriving (the Early Intervention people came today and judged her absolutely age appropriate in all her skills, an amazing feat for an adopted baby from China, where temporary developmental delays are so common... ). They said we should just sit back and watch her flourish now!
And, even better, Tyler is no longer terrified of her and is actually able to play with her a bit now. Finally.
So here are the outtakes from the shoot we did of her in our living room ... the best of the lot will be showing up soon in your mailbox in the form of her "arrival announcement." But here are few in the meantime ...
Oh - and next up on the blog - finally, the long awaited photos of Tyler's ancient Egyptian bday party ... all in good time for our faithful followers!